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Stanisława Wajszczuk 0535

Excerpts from the monograph: "Losy Ziemi Kakolewnickiej" (The Fates of the Kakolewnica Lands) - by Jan Trokowicz, Gdansk-Zakowola Stara 1995
54. Intensification of terror - (Nazi - during World War II) - re. Stanislawa Wajszczuk

With the passage of time German terror intensified. There were numerous arrests, pacification actions, accidental and intentional murders carried out by the Gestapo members, Gendarmes, various police formations also including the subordinate "Blue Police"....

....Round-ups and deportations for forced labor to Germany started. Such round-up could happen anywhere and at any time. The young people were hiding. Sometimes successfuly....

....Grammar Schools which were under German control exhibited a very low level of education.There 
existed universal hunger for knowledge and for Polish "word" (language, literature). Clandestine education programs were started, involving initially individual pupils, and later in groups called "komplety" (clandestine study groups). Virtually all teachers were involved in this work. Since the school building in Kakolewnica was occupied by the Germans, the classes were held in private homes....Attending these classes were: Jurek and Zbyszek Pucek, Romek Litwiniec, Stanislawa Litwiniec, Wladyslaw Kocinski, Stanislawa Wajszczuk, Waclaw Wojdat....

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