english version



wersja polska

The Wajszczuks in Poland in the 21st Century*

"The frequency of appearance of names used in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century"
compiled by  Prof. Kazimierz Rymut.

PESEL** data from the year 2002 - (published in 2003), presented by county and sex: - Wajszczak - 258, - Wajszczyk - 387, Wajszczuk - 373


Total number of the name Wajszczuk in Poland



Total number of the name Wajszczuk in Poland:
by district (pow.)/city (miasto) and M/F]


District/city M F
pow. głogowski 3 3
miasto Wrocław 1 2
miasto Bydgoszcz - 1
miasto Toruń 5 6
pow. bialski 17 12
pow. hrubieszowski 3 3
pow. krasnostawski 2 2
pow. lubelski 24 24
pow. puławski 1 3
pow. radzyński 19 17
pow. łukowski 24 24
pow. zamojski 14 8
miasto Biała Podlaska 4 1
miasto Chełm 1 -
miasto Lublin 4 2
miasto Zamość 6 4
pow. nowosolski 1 -
miasto Łódź 3 3
miasto Skierniewice 2 2
pow. nowodworski 3 4
pow. płoński 2 1
miasto Jaworzno 1 -
pow. przysuski 1 3
pow. będziński 1 3
miasto Katowice 1 2
miasto Ruda Śląska 1 1
miasto Siemianowice Śląskie - 1
pow. bartoszycki 3 2
pow. giżycki 6 2
pow. kętrzyński 7 13
pow. nowotomyski 1 3
miasto Konin 4 1
miasto Poznań 1 1
pow. gryficki 2 2
pow. kołobrzeski 1 -
miasto Szczecin 1 2
pow. warszawski 28 35
miasto Płock 1 -
miasto Radom 2 2
miasto Siedlce 4 4
pow. brzeski 3 -
pow. kedzierzyńsko - kozielski 2 2
pow. stalowowolski - 1
pow. hajnowski 1 2
miasto Białystok 1 -


Total number of the name Waszczuk in Poland
(selected - district/city with highest numbers)


District/City Mężczyźni Kobiety
pow. bialski 120 128
miasto Biała Podlaska 55 59
pow. łosicki 52 60
pow. warszawski 76 88



  1. In the first nine pages of the introduction to this new compilation of data, Prof. Rymut explains all new aspects of this revised and expanded presentation.

  2. In this, as well as in the previous presentation, Prof. Rymut used the "data from **PESEL" (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności = Universal Electronic System of the Population Registry), which is a Polish national identification number) ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PESEL). 

  3. Important differences:

    • Old (1990) compilation did not include 3 million people - the new one includes all persons, who were permanent inhabitants of Poland as of September 2002.

    • The new administrative structure of Poland, which includes districts (powiaty - smaller) and voivodships (wojewodztwa - larger administrative units) is taken into account in the new compilation.

    • Males an females were separated in the new presentation, while in the old one - women could be recognized only by the different endings of their last names (a specific feature of the Polish language).



We were deeply saddened by the news that Prof. Kazimierz Rymut died on November 14, 2006.

* Information contained in this page was forwarded to us by Wieslaw Kledzik from Gdynia.

Prepared byi: Waldemar J Wajszczuk & Paweł Stefaniuk 2023
e-mail: drzewo.rodziny.wajszczuk@gmail.com