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Adresses of the Wajszczuk homes in Trzebieszów *
(years [~1603?] - 1803-1825)

[click to enlarge]


Abbreviations used in the schematic drawing:
ur. = born;
zam. - living at (adddress - house #);
Oddział II - Section II (of the village)
nadzór kośc. - church (parish) supervisor
nadanie - land distribution (to peasants by the Russian occupants in 1864)
sołtys - village administrator
wójt - administrator of a group of villages


see (1) | see (2)
* we used in the schematic drawing only the names of the identified (predominantly male) members of the family - since they were most likely to inherit.

Wstecz/Back Powrót do strony głównej / Return to main (index) page Powrót do głównego pnia/Return to main tree Strony indywidualne/Individual pages  Spis imion i nazwisk - szukaj/The list of names - search Max Min Objaśnienia/Explanations